You are one gorgeous soul my dear. Your vagina is a part of you. A very special part. She is your second heart. The home of your inner knowing, your power, your goddess.

Are you ready to become best friends with your vagina?

If you haven’t been connected to her lately you are probably feeling a ripple effect throughout your life. Maybe you are feeling like you don’t know what you want. Maybe you are feeling like have lost that oomph, that vitality, that spark. Maybe you just aren’t feeling that lit up inside. Maybe you just want to want sex more. Maybe you are bored of your orgasms or the same old sex.

Whatever your reason you are here to make a change. You are here because that tiny voice is saying it’s time. It’s enough. Let’s do this.

It’s radical to love ALL of yourself. Especially when society has told you it is indecent, immoral, shameful and wrong to love your womanhood, your femininity, your power for creation, your beautiful, gorgeous, sumptuous body.

So what’s the first step?

We need to journey back. To reconnect. To introduce ourselves. To say hello.

By completing the Happy V Happy Me Story Mapping Worksheet you can start to rewrite the story you have about your vagina and your relationship to her. You can start to see her and your journey together in a new light. You can make amends, forgive each other and start to chart the path for a new relationship.

This is the first step to reclaiming your body, your right to your pleasure, your sensuality, and the permission to shine your bright light onto the world.

Fill out the form and to get your worksheet and get started today.

All of the love.

- The Happy V

A happy vagina means a happy you.

A happy vagina means a happy you.